Personal trainers
and instructors

Personal trainers

Anna Motalová

Dominik Zeman

Jan Mašek

Jiří Zahradník

Josef Sekal

Ladislav Bulvas

Ladislav Dibďák

Lucie Linková

Martina Dubová

Kateřina Masopustová

Milan Polívka


Robin Havel

Erika Singh

Sylvie Kotásková

Michaela Malá

Soňa Šlehofrová

Kamil Tůma

Tereza Urbancová

Tereza Krsková

Anna Motalová

coach II. class

I have been involved in sports since I was a child and he is very close to me. I graduated from the Academy of Physical Education and Sport Palestra ATVS and I have been working as a fitness instructor at Hit Fitness for 22 years.

Focus on:

  • Fitness and body shaping
  • Weight reduction
  • Creation of menus and advice on nutrition


Jiří Zahradník

Hello! My name is Jirka and I would like to offer you my personal trainer services. Sport has been with me my whole life. I have been working in the gym for more than 25 years and I have been working as a personal trainer for more than 20 years. I will be happy to help you and advise you on how to train properly. I approach each client individually and compile a training plan according to individual needs. I hold a domestic and international coaching license. I also do other sports, such as walking or fitbox.

In Hit Fitness Flora you can also meet me at group lessons. I run fitbox classes here right now.

Be sure to contact me, I look forward to working with you.


Josef Sekal

Sport is an important part of my life. I have been doing fitness and martial arts since I was 15 years old. I look forward to working with you and will be happy to help you on your way to achieving your goals.

Focus on:

  • weight reduction
  • gaining muscle mass
  • body shaping
  • correction of muscle imbalances


Ladislav Bulvas

My name is Ladislav Bulvas and I offer the benefit of a personal 40-year exercise. From my own experience, I can confirm that this is the only permanent way to health and fitness. I will consider it an honor to be able to accompany you on this journey.

I offer the following services:

  • Creating short-term and long-term training programs
  • Creating an individual plan according to your needs
  • Lessons with special focus: exercises for seniors and exercises during pregnancy, rehabilitation exercises after injury or injury, lessons aimed at eliminating muscle imbalances
  • Nutrition consultation
  • Advice on the use of dietary supplements


Ladislav Dibďák

personal trainer

  • Trainings for beginners and advanced
  • Weight reduction
  • Body shaping
  • Functional training
  • Long-term experience in the field
  • Advice on nutrition and dietary supplements


Lucie Linková

personal trainer and nutritionist

I got to train through group lessons, which I led for several years. I enjoyed keeping classes with so many people with great energy. The fact that I like to do things properly and well led me to personal training. During personal training, I pay attention to the correct execution of exercises to achieve the best possible results. I enjoy that we are each original and we each have different goals of what we want to achieve. I have been practicing fitness for eight years and for a full time for six years.

Focus on:

  • Training also in English
  • Weight loss
  • Gaining muscle mass
  • Focus on imbalances
  • Correct implementation of exercises
  • Strength training
  • Functional training
  • Nutrition counseling and menus
  • Core
  • Bosu, Flowin, TRX, fitness machines, dumbbells and other aids
  • Stretching


Write about your first training :)


Martina Dubová

  • Bodybuilding coach
    Fitness trainer
    Fitness instructor
    Functional strengthening instructor

Focus on:

  • Exercise for women of all ages


Katka Masopustová Bc.

  • Personnel trainer, physiotherapist (FTVS UK)
  • Master instructor of group lessons
  • Owner of Personal Group Training – education and creation of programs not only for group lessons
  • 2000-2020 Owner and trainer of EFPE CZECH (Academy of Education in Fitness)
  • 30 years of experience in sports, fitness, fitness and rehabilitation exercises and general sports activities


Milan Polívka

„You haven’t stopped training because you’re getting older. You’re getting old because you’ve stopped. „


  • Fitness trainer and masseur (accreditation of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic) with 16 years of experience
  • TRX Group and Functional Training Instructor (TRX Force)
  • Trainer of the Czech Champion and Olympia amateur finalist in bikini fitness Dany Faktorová, fitness trainer of the Czech Alpine Skiing Champion Caroline Straubová


  • Beginner training, body shaping
  • Personal training and professional advice in the field of fitness training for all ages
  • Exercises for back pain and other problems



Hi, I’m Robin and I’m what I am. I enjoy sports and I can’t imagine that I can’t sweat and clear my head sometimes. I try to fill my spinning lessons with multi-genre music and a good mood in the team of athletes. I look forward to every new applicant, but of course to all long-term clients. GOOD SPORTS!


I have been spinning for seven years. I used to run competitively, but after both knee surgery I finished. Spinning helped me get back in shape after knee surgery and started to amuse me. So I took an instructor spinning course and I’ve been racing ever since.

My lessons are fun and I put everyone in the body.


I have been spinning for 10 years, first as an enthusiastic client and now as an enthusiastic instructor! :-) And why Spinning? I have already tried a lot of different sports activities and whenever there was a novelty on the market, I could not miss and try it. But Spinning was just there, is and will be. It charges me with energy, I react perfectly, and above all it’s great fun. Spinning combines motivation, imagination and music, which can catch a person to the limit.


My name is Michaela Malá and I am a certified Pilates teacher. I am also a mother of two girls, so the experience of motherhood is close to me and from the beginning I specialize in exercising with pregnant women and postpartum women. I have completed a number of professional courses and trainings and I continue to learn about healthy exercise during pregnancy and after childbirth and I really enjoy it.

Forget that Pilates for pregnant women is just boring rolling on a balloon! Not only will this exercise help you stay fit with your tummy growing, it will turn around with all sorts of pains and problems that can bother you a lot, but it can also improve your posture, the center of gravity of which changes fundamentally during pregnancy. Last but not least, it will also prepare you perfectly for childbirth. After giving birth, it will help you return to the condition before pregnancy more easily, faster and, most importantly, healthily.


I got into practicing yoga ten years ago. At first, I started with a stronger type of yoga, but over time, I gained strength and began to practice yoga with a greater emphasis on proper performance. I took a course and became an accredited lecturer.

Each of my lessons is a little different. Honestly, it depends a lot on what I’m in the mood for or what I feel from the group that meets for me. Sometimes we sweat more, other times we lie down more.

Yoga is great for me mainly because of its balance. It is an exercise in body, mind and breath. You practice everything, but you rarely actually notice the “exercise.” This nature I enjoy most in yoga.

What I would like to pass on to my clients is respect for oneself and reconciliation with the fact that every body is different and can do something different. And that it’s all right.

Come, I will be glad and so will your body.

hanna synytsia

Ahoj jmenuji se Hanna, jsem fitness trenér s 12 letou praxí, mistr sportu a četných fitness maratonů. Naučím Vás samostatně pracovat v posilovně, v případě potřeby sestavit jídelníček. Svou práci miluji , podělím se s Vámi o své poznatky, nastavím správnou techniku provedení. Jsem také trenér skupinových lekci TRX Kruhový trénink Bodystyling Aerobik + posilování


I have been leading spinning lessons as an instructor since 2012. I like spinning because of the interaction of movement, music and people versus the instructor. If these three things work together, the client will take what he came for from the lesson.


     Mojí celoživotní radostí je pohyb, a to zejména tanec v muzikálových představeních. Opotřebované tělo tanečníka ale potřebuje také nějakou kompenzaci, a tak jsem se rozhodla pro další skvělou volbu – jógu. 
     V mých lekcích se budeme věnovat správnému držení těla v asanových pozicích, vycházejících z hatha jógy. Též si v nich posílíme tělo při lekcích zvaných jogalates, které jsou zaměřeny na opakování posilovacích cviků v určitých asanách. Lekce jsou lehce dynamické a zároveň budou vycházet vždy z individuální atmosféry a vašich možností. Budu se na vás těšit.



  • Ahoj, jsem Šárka a v Hit Fitness mě potkáte na lekcích bodyformu. 
    Od malička se závodně věnuji aerobiku, kde jsem se s týmem umisťovala v nejvyšší výkonnostní kategorii. Později jsem se zaměřila na vedení lekcí bodystylingu, předcvičování na soutěžích Aerobic Master class a trénování soutěžních choreografií. Mám tak dlouholetou zkušenost s kondiční přípravou, technickou průpravou, tvorbou choreografií a stretchingem a to vše zakomponovávám i do svých sestav a lekcí. Procvičíme spolu prvky aerobiku, dance aerobiku a komplexního posilování ať už s vlastní vahou, nebo za použití nejrůznějších pomůcek. 
    Těším se na vás!“